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CAMECA at Goldschmidt 2023: booth 18 & two exclusive events

星期四, 六月 1, 2023

We look forward to meeting you at Goldschmidt 2023, CAMECA booth #18
Book your seat for two events... Sorry both events are now booked out!

Wednesday 12 July, 13.00 – 14.00 UTC+2 on cocktail reception at CAMECA booth #18

How SIMS safeguards against the proliferation of nuclear weapons

CAMECA invites the SIMS and LG-SIMS community to light fares and drinks at our booth #18 and welcomes speaker Matthew Kilburn, Laboratory Head at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria.

Please register to help us ajust food & dring order.

Large-geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (LG-SIMS) is one of the most powerful tools used by IAEA to detect possible indications of undeclared nuclear material and/or activities due to its combined ability to find uranium particles in a sea of ambient dust using the automated particle measurement (APM) functionality, and then to analyze the uranium particles of most interest for the major and minor U isotopes with high accuracy and precision.
IAEA is looking to expand its Network of Analytical Laboratories (NWAL) currently located in 13 Member States worldwide and is reaching out to the LG-SIMS community and Member State governments to solicit new candidate laboratories for NWAL membership. > read full abstract

Book your seat for Wedn. 12 lunchtime cocktail presentation!


Thursday 13 July, 13.00 – 14.00 UTC+2 in room R14 Building B Level 1
Nanoscale Geo & Cosmochemistry with Atom Probe Tomography


  • APT investigation of iron meteorites by Frederic Danoix, GPM/CNRS/Université de Rouen, France
    This presentation will illustrate the potential of APT for the investigation of meteoritic irons, covering various phases/regions, such as tetrataenite (ordered L10 FeNi), cloudy zones (CZ) and plessitic/martensitic structure characterization at the nanometer scale, as well as the specimen preparation issue. > read abstract
  • Three-dimensional Nanoscale Microscopy of Geological Materials with Atom Probe Tomography by David Reinhard, CAMECA
    In recent years APT has been applied to a variety of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples (McCarroll, et al. 2022). This talk will review key examples of APT analysis of geological materials and provide an overview of the APT technique. > read abstract
Register for Thurs. 13 luncheon "Nanoscale Geo & Cosmochemistry with Atom Probe Tomography"

Both events are free of charge, but please click the REGISTER buttons to book your seat and help us order right amount of food and drinks!