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Monitoring of rapid thermal anneal with secondary ion mass spectrometry. Z. X. Jiang, A. Ravi, T. Breeden, K. Khmelnitskiy, A. Duncan, D. Huynh, S. Butler, B. Granados, D. Acker, J. Luebbe, D. Sieloff, S. Bolton, and G. Prieto. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 42, 034007 (2024)
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Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies. R Bogdanowicz. Doctoral defense (2024)
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Surface passivation in c-Si solar cells via a double-barrier quantum-well structure for ameliorated performance. Muhammad Quddamah Khokhar, Jaeun Kim, Ziyang Cui, Sungjin Jeong, Sungheon Kim, Rajiv Kumar Pandey, Eun-Chel Cho, Junsin Yi. Applied Surface Science 607 (2023) 155082
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Front-side and back-side secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses on advanced doping processes for ultra-large scale integrated circuit: A case study. Shu Qin. Thin Solid Films Volume 766, 1 February 2023, 139654
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Double-Barrier Quantum-Well Structure: An Innovative Universal Approach for Passivation Contact for Heterojunction Solar Cells. Muhammad Quddamah Khokhar, Hasnain Yousuf, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Youngkuk Kim,Rajiv Kumar Pandey, Eun-Chel Cho, and Junsin Yi. Applied Energy Materials (2023)
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Applications and mechanisms of anisotropic two-step Si3N4 etching with hydrogen plasma conditioning. Ying Rui, Meng-Hsien Chen, Sumeet Pandey, et al. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41, 022601 (2023)
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Advanced Optical Spectroscopy Techniques for Semiconductors. Masanobu Yoshikawa. Springer, Cham. (2023)
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Design of mechanically advantaged glasses with hydration-induced stress profiles. Timothy M. Gross, Jingshi Wu. International Journal of Applied Glass Science (2023)
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Impact of B2H6 plasma treatment on contact resistivity in silicon heterojunction solar cells. Kazuhiro Gotoh, Ryo Ozaki, Motoo Morimura, Aki Tanaka, Yoshiko Iseki, Kyotaro Nakamura, Kazuo Muramatsu, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa, Yoshio Ohshita and Noritaka Usami. Kazuhiro Gotoh et al. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 62 SK1026 (2023)
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Simultaneous measurement of impurities and composition by secondary ion mass spectrometry with optical emission spectrometry. Takashi Miyamoto, Shigenori Numao, Junichiro Sameshima & Masanobu Yoshikawa. Surface and Interface Analysis. (2023); 1–6.
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Formation of Al3Sc in Al0.8Sc0.2 thin films. Giovanni Esteves, Joseph Bischoff, Ethan W.S. Schmidt, Mark A. Rodriguez, Samantha G. Rosenberg, Paul G. Kotula. Vacuum. Volume 200, June 2022, 111024
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Boron Delta-Doping in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon for High-Performance Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. Gotoh, Kazuhiro and Ozaki, Ryo and Morimura, Motoo and Tanaka, Aki and Iseki, Yoshiko and Nakamura, Kyotaro and Muramatsu, Kazuo and Kurokawa, Yasuyoshi and Ohshita, Yoshio and Usami, Noritaka. SSRN. SOLMAT-D-22-00208 (2022)
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A CVD diamond reactor for controlled thin film growth with sharp layer interfaces. Philip Schätzle, Philipp Reinke, David Herrling, Arne Götze, Lukas Lindner, Jan Jeske, Lutz Kirste, and Peter Knittel
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Imaging and hydrogen analysis by SIMS in zirconium alloy cladding: a dual ion beam approach. N.Mine, S.Portier and M.Martin. Surface and Interface Analysis. Volume 46, Issue S1, pages 249–252, November 2014
Shallow As dose measurements of 300mm patterned wafers with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Low energy Electron induced X-ray Emission Spectroscopy. H.U. Ehrke, N. Noible, M.P. Moret, F. Horreard, J. Choi, C. Hombourger, V. Paret, R. Benbalagh, N. Morel, M. Schuhmacher, J. Vac. Sci. Technolo. B 28 (1), 1071-1023, Jan/Feb 2010
Thickness dependence of hole mobility in ultrathin SiGe-channel p-MOSFETs. C.N. Chleirigh, N.D. Theodore, H. Fukuyama, S. Mure, H.-U. Ehrke, A. Domenicucci, J.L. Hoyt, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 55, Issue 10, pp 2687-2694, October 2008
SIMS analysis of implanted and RTP annealed wafers for sub-100nm technology. H-U.Ehrke, A.Sears, W.Lerch, S.Paul, G.Roters, D.F.Downey, E.A.Arevalo. Paper at USJ 2003 published in JVST-B 22(1) Jan-Feb 2004
Quantification of Ge and B in SiGe using secondary ion mass spectrometry. H-U.Ehrke, H.Maul, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 8, Issues 1-3, 2005, 111-114
Charge compensation using optical conductivity enhancement and simple analytical protocols for SIMS of resitive Si1-xGex alloy layers. M. G. Dowsett and al. Applied surface science, 9299 (2002) 1-4
Establishing an accurate depth-scale calibration in the top few nanometers of an ultrashallow implant profile. M. G. Dowsett et al, Phys. Rev. B 65, 113412 (2002)