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IMS 1300-HR³ 大尺寸几何结构SIMS

IMS 1300-HR³是一款大尺寸几何结构离子探针,可为广泛的地球科学应用提供非常高的分析性能:使用稳定同位素追踪地质过程,矿物定年,以及确定痕量元素的存在和分布。其高灵敏度和高横向分辨率也使其成为搜索和测量铀颗粒以用于核防护目的的优选工具。
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    借助新型IMS 1300-HR³,CAMECA极大地提高了已占据市场优选地位的大尺寸几何结构SIMS的性能,现可在高空间分辨率和高质量分辨率下为地球科学界提供高重现性的独特组合。该工具可充分满足高精度和高生产率的小尺度原位同位素测量的需求,并拓展了广泛的研究方向——从稳定同位素、地质年代学和痕量元素到小颗粒等等。

    秉承了IMS 1280-HR和之前型号的主要优点:
    • 大尺寸几何结构设计可在高质量分辨率下提供高灵敏度
    • 应用于高精度同位素测量的多功能多接收器系统
    • 用于分析正负二次离子的双一次离子源
    • 卓越的离子成像能力(探针和显微镜模式)
    • 增强型磁场控制系统实现了高质量分辨率下的高再现性
    • 远程操作、全自动化、功能强大的应用专用软件

    IMS 1300-HR³的改进及优点:

    • 新型射频等离子体氧源显著增加了电子束密度和电流稳定性,极大地提高了空间分辨率、数据再现性和通量。
    • 具有自动化样品高度(Z)调节功能的新型电动储存室可显著提高分析精度、易用性和生产率。
    • 用于改善光学图像分辨率的紫外光显微镜,搭配专用软件实现简单的样品导览
    • 1012 Ω电阻法拉第杯:用于测量低计数率的低噪声电测系统
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  • View Webinars +

    • Investigating the formation conditions of the first solids in the solar system using Large-Geometry SIMS

      星期二, 二月 28, 2023

      In this webinar Dr Yves Marrocchi, CRPG, Nancy, France presents recent petrographic observations and isotopic measurements of chondrules which shed new light on the timing of chondrule formation and how recycling processes during disk evolution led to the formation of chondrules.
      Duration: 52 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Part 1: Pb-isotope imaging of ultra-high temperature zircon, the most widely used mineral in geochronology.

      星期三, 二月 9, 2022

      Prof. Martin Whitehouse, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, details the benefits of both direct and Scanning Ion Imaging (SII) at high mass resolution illustrated by recent case studies . Recording of a seminar hosted by IUAC, Delhi, India. Approx. 30 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Part 2: Full U-Pb analysis from complex imaged zircon grains from the early Earth and the Moon as well as terrestrial impact craters

      星期三, 二月 9, 2022

      Prof. Martin Whitehouse, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, details the benefits of both direct and Scanning Ion Imaging (SII) at high mass resolution illustrated by recent case studies. Recording of a seminar hosted by IUAC, Delhi, India. Approx. 7 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Part 3: Pb-Pb dating of lunar basalts and determination of lunar chemical geodynamics.

      星期六, 九月 3, 2022

      Prof. Martin Whitehouse, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, details the benefits of both direct and Scanning Ion Imaging (SII) at high mass resolution illustrated by recent case studies. Recording of a seminar hosted by IUAC, Delhi, India.
      Duration: 10 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Isotope by Multi-Collector large Geometry SIMS

      星期五, 七月 16, 2021

      Large-geometry SIMS equipped with a multicollector system (LG-SIMS) provide the best performance for geo- and cosmochemistry applications as they provide in situ analysis with both high spatial resolution and high precision. Recently, latest generations LG-SIMS were equipped with low noise 1012Ω resistor Faraday Cup preamplifier boards optimized for the measurement of low intensity signals. This talk describes an innovative path for triple oxygen isotope analyses, based on the measurement of the 17O minor isotope on a Faraday Cup detector equipped with a 1012Ω preamplifier board. This new analytical method allows nowadays to routinely measure oxygen isotopic ratios (18O/16O and 17O/16O) in various matrices with a precision (internal error and reproducibility) better than 0.5‰ (2σ), a spatial resolution smaller than 10 μm and in a few minutes per analysis. This work is the result of a collaboration between CAMECA and the CRPG Nancy lab in France.
      Duration : 15 minutes
      Click here to view
  • 科学出版物 +

    使用大几何SIMS(IMS 1270,IMS 1280,IMS 1280-HR,IMS 1300-HR³)数据编制科学研究论文的Excel电子表格可供下载。 文章按主要应用程序排序,如下所示,可以使用Excel单词搜索功能轻松搜索:
    • Stable isotopes
    • Geochronology
    • Trace elements
    • Nuclear forensics

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  • 世界各地的大型几何SIMS用户 +

    Some of our IMS 1300, IMS 1270, IMS 1280 & 1280-HR Users

    Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), Korea
    KBSI, a government-funded research institution established in 1988 has evolved into a world-class open research platform. Its Division of Earth and Environmental Science Research is equipped with CAMECA's newest large geometry SIMS, the IMS 1300-HR3.

    Nanjing University, China
    “Future Crust”, Prof. Wang Xiaolei's Research Group’s laboratory is equipped with an IMS 1300-HR3 applied to stable isotope geochemistry with a view to investigate the evolution of the continental crust and ore formation.

    IGGCAS - Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
    IGGCAS has been one of the most important and well known geosciences research institutions in China. the Institutes's strategic perspective is focused on building an international research center, equipped with a strong basic research capacity and sustainable development for technological innovation on the frontiers of solid Earth and Space Sciences.

    GIGCAS - Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    The IMS 1280-HR ultra-high resolution SIMS microprobe is installed in the Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry (SKLOG) since 2012. SKLOG is a leading entity in the fields of environmental and biological geochemistry with a number of high-level research achievements. The IMS 1280-HR at SKLOG supports multiple research projects in continental dynamics and lithospheric evolution, marine geology, environmental pollution and sustainable development.

    JAMSTEC, Japan
    The Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research of JAMSTEC, Kochi (Japan) has acquired three CAMECA ion microprobes: a NanoSIMS 50L, an IMS 6f, and the ultra-high resolution IMS 1280-HR model for multidisciplinary researches including cosmochemistry, the study of earthquake mechanisms, the evolution of continents and oceans, as well submarine biological resource studies based on the systematic interpretation of drilling core sediments obtained by the D/V Chikyu vessel.

    GFZ Potsdam - German Research Center for Geosciences, Germany
    Embedded into the wider structure of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres, GFZ is Germany's leading national research centre for Earth Sciences, with research projects ranging from geodesy to geoengineerings. Equipped with an IMS 1280-HR, the Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam's SIMS laboratory operates as an open user facility supporting the needs of the global geochemical community, it has ongoing collaborations with scientists from Europe and beyond.

    HIP - Heidelberg Ion Probe, University of Heidelberg, Germany
    The Heidelberg Ion Probe (HIP) laboratory is dedicated to providing isotopic analysis of geochemically and cosmochemically important solids at high spatial resolution and sensitivity. The HIP laboratory features a CAMECA IMS 1280-HR ion microprobe and peripheral instrumentation for pre- and post-analysis investigation of samples. The lab is hosted in the Institute of Earth Sciences of the Heidelberg University. Instrument acquisition was funded through DFG which also oversees its operation.

    University of Alberta, Canada
    Established in 2009, the Canadian Centre for Isotopic Microanalysis (CCIM) provides Canadian and international researchers in academia, government, and industry with access to one of the most advanced isotopic microbeam technologies in the geosciences. The IMS 1280 is the centre piece at CCIM whose teams focus on natural resource research, investigating methods of mining and extracting hydrocarbons or other mineral deposits such as diamonds with a view to reducing environmental impacts.

    UCLA Ion Microprobe Group, USA
    Partnered with the National Science Foundation, UCLA Ion Microprobe Group is home to the first high sensitivity, high resolution IMS 1270. An IMS 1280-HR has also been installed recently in the lab. It is a world-class facility for in situ microscale isotopic analyses of geologic materials, engaged in world-leading investigations in the earth and planetary sciences.

    The Nordsim-laboratory is located in the Laboratory for Isotope Geology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Nordsim is a Nordic facility, funded jointly by Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The IMS 1280 instrument has applications to a wide range of geological problems, from U-pb and O isotopes in zircons to light stable isotope analysis of lunar and meteoritic samples.

    SwissSIMS / University of Lausanne, Switzerland
    The University of Lausanne's IMS 1280-HR is installed at the Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, in the new SwissSIMS lab, a national facility co-financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation for Research (SNF), and a consortium of scientists from the universities of Lausanne, Geneva, Bern, and the ETH of Zurich. Teams work on numerous geoscience research projects that include interpreting ages in metamorphic rocks, fluid-rock interactions and mineral growth in contact aureoles, partial melting, etc.

    Micro-scale Isotope Geochemistry Group, Geological Survey of Japan
    The GSJ SIMS Lab at AIST (National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology) was equipped with an IMS 1270 in March 1995, it was the third IMS 1270 in the world and the first large geological SIMS in Japan.

    Woods Hole, Oceanographic Institute, USA
    Located within Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the NENIMF is a regional, multi-user Ion Microprobe Facility supported among others through National Science Foundation (NSF) and providing service, scientific expertise and educational outreach activities to the research community in the U.S. and beyond. Learn more.

    CRPG - Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, Nancy, France

    The CRPG is a research laboratory for Earth and Planetary Sciences. The ion probe group at CRPG is equipped with an upgraded IMS 1270 as well as with an IMS 1280-HR.

    Hokkaido University, Japan
    The Cosmochemical Laboratory of Hisayoshi Yurimoto is equipped with an IMS 1280-HR, an upgraded IMS 1270, as well as an IMS 6f and an IMS 3f.

    The Phaesant Memorial Laboratory, Okayama, University, Japan
    Founded in 1992 by E. Nakamura and A. Makishima PML is equipped with IMS 1270 & IMS 5f. Our purpose is to apply new and existing geochemical tracers in studies of the terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials aimed of understanding the origin, evolution and dynamics of the Earth and the solar system

    NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
    Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory within the Surface and Microanalysis division is equiped with and IMS 4f and IMS 1270.

    Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, UK
    The Ion Microprobe Facility (IMS 4f, IMS 1270) is located in the School of Geosciences, Grant Institute at the University of Edinburgh, U.K. The Facility carries out in-house research and provides a service to the earth and environmental science community.

    WiscSIMS, University of Wisconsin, USA
    The Wisconsin Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer Laboratory (WiscSIMS) explores new applications of stable isotope chemistry to Earth Sciences (Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry) as well as Biological Sciences and Engineering.

    University of Hawai'i, USA
    The W. M Keck Cosmochemistry Laboratory of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa supports interdisciplinary research into the origin of the solar system through detailed studies of a variety of materials including meteorites, interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), and samples returned by NASA missions (Apollo Moon missions, Stardust mission to comet Wild 2, and Genesis Mission to capture solar wind).

    CMCA, University of Western Australia, Australia
    Established in 1970, the CMCA provides essential research infrastructure in ion, electron, laser and light microscopy and microanalysis to universities, government of Western Australia and local industry. It is now home to two CAMECA ion microprobes, the NanoSIMS 50 and the IMS 1280.

  • 软件 +

    • WinCurve dataprocessing sofware

      WinCurve专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在用户友好的环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


    • WinImage Software
      WinImage II

      WinImage II专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在PC-Windows™环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


    • APM Software

