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NanoSIMS-HR 二次离子质谱仪


NanoSIMS-HR 是享誉世界的 NanoSIMS 50/50L 二次离子质谱仪系列的下一代产品,该系列为基础研究和工业创新的多样化领域的重大进展做出了贡献:材料科学和半导体、地球化学和宇宙化学、 植物和土壤科学、环境微生物学、细胞生物学和医学研究。

借助新的 NanoSIMS-HR,CAMECA 提供了突破性的仪器创新,将提高这种独特离子微探针的多功能性,提高数据质量,并使科学家和工程师能够在不断增加的工作量和更紧迫的期限内加速发现和创新。
  • 产品概述 +

    NanoSIMS-HR 的主要改进和新功能包括:

    • 得益于新的铯源和重新设计的配备防振隔离的平台,实现了前所未有的横向分辨率(30 nm)
    • 深度分辨率低至每十年 12 纳米,深度剖面低至 8 x 8 µm2 面积得益于新的电子设备,有利于仪器调谐
    • 使用手套箱和低温配件进行原始样品分析

    • 得益于更亮的铯源和更高的电流密度,100 nm 横向分辨率的图像采集速度提高了 2.5 倍
    • 各种更大的样品架现在可以容纳更多各种尺寸的样品
    • 样品台精度提高 10 倍,可以更快地采集较小的图像,从而使无人值守的链式分析速度提高 10 倍

    • 自动从储存室引入分析室
    • 在 3.6 x 4 mm2 光学图像上轻松准确地导航,直接瞄准感兴趣区域
    • 新型高分辨率电子器件有助于峰值居中和调谐优化
    • 远程操作有助于需要多个样品架的大型分析会话

    • 升级版射频等离子体 O 源,具有优质的冷却系统
    • 普发涡轮分子泵和初级泵
    • 新的控制电子设备,包括重新设计的高压电源
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    • Revealing the intracellular distributions of biomolecules with a novel NanoSIMS-based methodology

      星期二, 六月 18, 2024

      Melanie Brunet, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana−Champaign, working under the guidance of Prof. Mary Kraft, will introduce you to new NanoSIMS-based methodology that significantly enhances the accuracy of intracellular biomolecule visualization. Key take aways include: • Advanced Depth Correction • Accuracy in Imaging • Validation and Impact • Research Applications. .
      Duration: 30 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Lithium-ion battery research with NanoSIMS

      星期五, 三月 1, 2024

      Gina Greenidge, Higher Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK’s National Metrology Institute, presents a study nitrogen fixation in maize leaf chloroplasts, or the role of vitamin B5 on cancer tumor proliferation. Key take aways include: • Review the capabilities of the NanoSIMS for nanoscale chemical mapping in LIB samples • Observe the collocation of fluorine and phosphorus, and the increase in Li, P and F signals for aged LIB samples • Gain insight into LIB anode degradation processes and the challenges that lie ahead for enabling batteries with longer life-time and higher performane .
      Duration: 32 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Improving the targeting of ASO therapeutic by NanoSIMS sub-cellular imaging

      星期五, 二月 23, 2024

      Cécile Becquart, post-doctoral fellow at AstraZeneca, presents recent advances in Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASOs) and the use of NanoSIMS to image and quantify the distribution and accumulation of ASOs within cells. Key take aways include: • Review challenges in terms of delivery of ASOs to specific tissues and inefficient escape from endolysosomal compartments which restrict their use in the clinic • Understand the mechanisms underlying how ASOs enter cells and exit the endolysosomal space • Learn about the specifics NanoSIMS sub-cellular quantitative imaging .
      Duration: 18 minutes
      Click here to view
  • NanoSIMS遍布全球的用户 +

    Below are links to some of our NanoSIMS Users
    If your site is not listed and you would like to appear on this page, please contact

    Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF), CA, USA
    NSF provides shared scientific instrumentation, laboratory facilities, and expert staff support to enable multidisciplinary research and educate tomorrow’s scientists and engineers.

    NASA, Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science, Houston TX, USA
    The ARES scientists are dedicated to astromaterials research (meteorites, cosmic and interplanetary dust, solar wind, and lunar rocks), exobiology & organic geochemistry. They use a NanoSIMS 50L to uncover insights on processes of early solar system and stellar evolution.

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA
    The NanoSIMS at LLNL is used in groundbreaking microbiological research: it helps studying microbial nitrogen and carbon fixation, and carbon cycling, investigating forensic signatures in bacterial spores, vegetative cells, viruses, as well as a range of nuclear materials..

    CalTech Center for Microanalysis, USA
    The Center for Microanalysis at Caltech houses a NanoSIMS 50L and an IMS 7f-GEO, providing expertise for microanalysis of geological, meteoritic and synthetic materials. Research projects carried out at CCM are most varied, ranging from cosmochemistry to experimental studies on climate change, geochronology, in-situ studies of microbial communities, materials science engineering, and more...

    Center for NanoImaging, Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
    Our mission is to extend multi-isotope imaging mass spectrometry – or MIMS – to new areas of biology and biomedical research, including with human translational studies conducted at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and collaborating medical centers.

    Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
    Funded by the National Science Foundation and ASU, the NanoSIMS lab at ASU is mainly in space sciences, to investigate the chemistry of asteroids and comets.

    Washington University in Saint-Louis, MI, USA
    The Laboratory for Space Sciences at Washington University received the first NanoSIMS in 2000. Research projects cover presolar grains, interplanetary dust particles, meteorite geochemistry etc.

    Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
    EMSL, a national scientific user facility at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has been equipped with a NanoSIMS 50L model since 2011.

    Manchester University, School of Materials, UK
    The NanoSIMS 50L is a major component of the Multi-Disciplinary Characterisation Facility, and is applied across a wide range of projects in advanced materials research, geological investigations of interest to the nuclear,oil and gas sectors, as well as the study of extra-terrestrial materials, but also tracing biochemical processes in microbes and plants.

    Open University, UK
    The NanoSIMS 50L lab in Milton Keynes is managed by Dr I.A. Franchi, and used primarily for characterizing fine grained material and cometary dust particles collected in the stratosphere.

    The Department of Materials, University of Oxford, UK
    The CAMECA NanoSIMS 50 is an ultra high resolution chemical imaging facility combining the sensitivity of a dynamic SIMS with a lateral resolution of about 100nm. Our machine was delivered in August 2002 and is used on a very wide range of projects in the analysis of metallic, semiconducting, polymeric and biological materials....

    National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK
    NPL is home to the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI), which aims to advance the development, understanding and application of the principal mass spectrometry imaging techniques. NPL researchers use the NanoSIMS 50L to support customers in healthcare, life sciences and other industries.

    Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Cosmochemistry Department, Mainz, Germany
    The Cosmochemistry Department consists of several groups of scientists and technical personnel whose research interests and activities span a wide variety of fields in cosmochemical and space sciences. Many abstracts in the astrophysics field, downloadable in pdf format

    Max Planck Institut, Bremen, Germany

    The Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology of Bremen hosts the first NanoSIMS dedicated to environmental microbiology.

    Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW), Warnemünde, Germany
    The NanoSIMS 50L at IOW is applied to a wide range of research fiels from microbiology and medicine to particle analysis and soil science.

    TUM: Technische Universität München, Germany
    Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management. Soil is the focal and connecting link between the information, matter and energy cycles of the hydrogeosphere and the atmosphere. Soil organic matter, clay sized particles and iron oxides are the most important reactants in soils building a complex physico-chemical interface. (…)

    Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig, Germany
    Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry.
    What is the role of biogeochemical processes in the functionality of sustainably managed ecosystems? How can stable isotope readings assist the understanding of the fate of chemicals in anoxic environments such as soil-aquifer systems, freshwater and deep-sea sediments and bioreactors?

    University Medical Center Goettingen (UMG), Germany
    The University of Göttingen NanoSIMS was acquired in 2017 to equip the Center for Biostructural Imaging of Neurodeegneration (BIN).It is mainly applied to  the imaging of specific biological organelles, and thus provides insights into local protein and organelle turnover in a variety of cells and tissues.

    Faculty of Life Science, University of Vienna, Austria
    Inaugurated in February 2010, the NanoSIMS 50L lab is located within the Core Facility for Advanced Isotope Research. Under leadership from Michael Wagner, the Department of Microbial Ecology is one of the world leading center for single cell microbiology and the study of microorganisms in selected ecosystems.

    UPFL: Université Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
    Laboratory for Biological Geochemistry LGB. Established in 2012, the LBG currently consists of about 15 Senior Scientists, Postdocs, PhD- and Master students working on research projects at the interface between isotope geochemistry, mineralogy and biology.

    LIST, Luxembourg institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
    The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a mission-driven Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) that develops advanced technologies and delivers innovative products and services to industry and society.

    Utrecht University, Netherlands
    Since summer 2013 Utrecht University hosts the Dutch national facility for high-resolution in situ isotope and element analysis of natural materials, supporting research in biogeochemistry and (microbial) ecology, paleo-environmental and climate reconstructions, planetary and solid earth sciences.
    > Watch video on NanoSIMS

    Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie (IMPMC), Paris, France
    The IMPMC is particularly notable in its multidisciplinary approach. This means most topics are studied by researchers from different backgrounds—in physics, Earth science or biology. Experimental platforms, technical know-how and scientific expertise are all used to conduct research on the interactions between the living world (including bacteria) and the mineral world.

    Institut Curie, Orsay, France
    Analytical Imaging of the Cell by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS microscopy). Introduction: "Of the various analytical methods developed in microscopy during the latter half of the century, SIMS imaging is probably one of the most powerful and sophisticated. Originally introduced..." Link to full article.

    Groupe de Physique des Matériaux (GPM), Rouen, France
    The NanoSIMS at GPM supports multidisciplinary projects in the field of health and environment: human exposure to nanoparticles and their dispersion in the environment, interactions of (nano)particles with living organisms in connection with toxicological and cosmetological studies.

    IPREM, Université of Pau, France

    The NanoSIMS 50L at Institute of Analytical Sciences and Physico-Chemistry for Environment and Materials (IPREM) is the first one equipped with the new RF Plasma oxygen ion source. It is mainly used for the localization of metals at catalyst surfaces or the imaging of essential and toxic trace metals in biological cells.

    Chemical Imaging Infrastructure of the Gothenburg University and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
    The NanoSIMS 50L in Gothenburg is the first of these instruments in Scandinavia. The NanoSIMS is suitable for a wide variety of applications such as grain boundary analysis, characterization of stress corrosion cracking, sub-cellular drug/peptide imaging and nitrogen fixation studies in bacteria.

    Physical Research Laboratory, India
    Known as the cradle of Space Sciences in India, the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) was founded in 1947 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. As a unit of the Department of Space, Government of India, PRL carries out fundamental research in select areas of Physics, Space & Atmospheric Sciences, Astronomy, Astrophysics & Solar Physics, and Planetary & Geosciences.

    IGGCAS, Beijing, China
    The Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences houses a NanoSIMS 50L in addition to its 2 large-geometry SIMS (IMS 1280 and IMS 1280-HR). The NanoSIMS was acquired to promote research in space sciences and is meant to play a major role in the analysis of lunar samples retrieved by Chinese lunar exploration missions.

    Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
    The NanoSIMS Laboratory was established in 2013 by a cooperative effort between Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Institute of Earth Science of Academia Sinica. Primarily designed to probe the early Solar System by analyzing extraterrestrial and terrestrial samples, the laboratory is also involved in numerous interdisciplinary collaborations with both domestic and international research groups covering cosmo, geo, life and material sciences.

    Kochi Institute for Core Research Sample, JAMSTEC, Japan
    The Isotope Geochemistry Group owns several CAMECA SIMS dedicated to the analysis of isotopes and trace elements in geological, environmental and biological samples to understand water-rock interactions, geologic processes, global & regional geochemical cycles, and limits of subseafloor life.

    Toray Research Center, Japan
    Established in 2018, the NanoSIMS 50 L lab offers analytical service in semiconductor, ceramics, metal and life science areas.

    Centre for Microscopy, Characterization & Analysis, UWA, Perth, Autralia
    Established in 1970, the CMCA provides essential teaching and research infrastructure in ion, electron, laser and light microscopy and microanalysis to universities, goverment of Western Australia and local industry. It is now home to two CAMECA ion probes, the NanoSIMS 50 installed in 2003 and the more recently acquired IMS 1280.
  • 软件 +

    • WinCurve dataprocessing sofware

      WinCurve专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在用户友好的环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


    • WinImage Software
      WinImage II

      WinImage II专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在PC-Windows™环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


  • NanoSIMS出版物 +


    • 大气颗粒/气溶胶
    • 生物矿化/古气候
    • 细胞生物学
    • 环境微生物学
    • 地质学/环境学
    • 地质年代学
    • 古生物学/进化论
    • 化妆品和药理学
    • 行星科学
    • 植物
    • 土壤
    • 材料
    • 仪器/方法学
