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SIMS analysis of irradiated HTR fuel. S. Brémier, M. Laurie, R. Hasnaoui and A. El Abjani (2015), SIMS XX Poster Presentation, Sept. 13-18, 2015.
Evidence of tellurium iodide compounds in apower-ramped irradiated UO2 fuel rod. L. Desgranges, Ch. Riglet-Martial, I. Aubrun, B. Pasquet, I. Roure, J. Lamontagne, T. Blay (2013), Journ al of Nuclear Materia ls, Volume 437, Issue 1-3, Pages 409-414. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.02.059.
Measurement of energy spectra on irradiated polycrystalline UO2 samples using secondary ion mass spectrometry. I. Roure, B. Pasquet, L. Desgranges, Ph. Bienvenu (2012), Surface and Interface Analysis, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 427-429. DOI: 10.1002/sia.5115.
Microbeam analysis of irradiated nuclear fuel. C T Walker, S Brémier, P Pöml, D Papaioannou, P W D Bottomley (2012), EMAS 2011: 12th European Workshop on Modern Developments in Microbeam Analysis, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 32, 012028. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/32/1/012028.
High burnup changes in UO2 fuels irradiated up to 83 GWD/T in M5® claddings. J. Noirot, I. Aubrun, L. Desgranges, K. Hanifi, J. Lamontagne, B. Pasquet, C. Valot, P. Blanpain, H. Cognon (2009), Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 41, No.2, March 2009 – Special Issue on the Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting 2008.
SIMS characterisation of actinide isotopes in irradiated nuclear fuel. L. Desgranges, B. Pasquet, Ch. Valot, I. Roure (2009), Journal of Nuclear Materials, Proceedings of a Topical Conference on Plutonium and Actinides: Plutonium Futures - The Science 2008, Volume 385, Issue 1, Pages 99-102. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2008.09.032.
SIMS analysis of an UO2 fuel irradiated at low temperature to 65 MWd/kgHM. C.T. Walker, S. Bremier, S. Portier, R. Hasnaoui, W. Goll (2009). Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 393, Issue 2, Pages 212-223. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2009.06.017.
Investigation of the relative sensitivity factor for the quantification of ion microprobe results for Nd isotopes in simulated nuclear fuel. Stéphane Portier, Stéphane Brémier, Rachid Hasnaoui, Olivier Bildstein, Clive T. Walker (2008), Microchimica Acta, Volume 161, Issue 3-4, Pages 479-483. DOI10.1007/s00604-007-0895-8.
A method for the quantification of total xenon concentration in irradiated nuclear fuel with SIMS and EPMA. Lionel Desgranges, Christophe Valot, Bertrand Pasquet, Jérôme Lamontagne, Thierry Blay, Ingrid Roure (2008), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 266, Issue 1, Pages 147-154. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2007.10.035.
Assessment of the Nd/U ratio for the quantification of neodymium in UO2. L. Desgranges, B. Pasquet, I. Roure, S. Portier, S. Brémier, C.T.Walker, R. Hasnaoui, D. Gavillet, M. Martin, L. Raimbault (2008), Applied Surface Science, Volume 255, Issue 4, Pages 863-865. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.196.
Detailed characterisations of high burn-up structures in oxide fuels. J. Noirot, L. Desgranges, J. Lamontagne (2008), Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 372, Issues 2-3, Pages 318-339. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.04.037.
Study of structural material resulting from the nuclear fuel cycle using SEM-WDX, EPMA and SIMS techniques. Jérôme Lamontagne, Catherine Eysseric, Lionel Desgranges, Christophe Valot, Jean Noirot, Thierry Blay, Ingrid Roure, Bertrand Pasquet (2008), Microchimica Acta, Volume 161, Issue 3, Pages 355-362. DOI10.1007/s00604-007-0852-6.
SIMS analysis of 83Kr implanted UO2. S. Portier, S. Brémier, R. Hasnaoui, O. Bildstein, C.T. Walker (2008), Applied Surface Science, Volume 255, Issue 4, Pages 1323-1326. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.263.
Secondary ion mass spectrometry of irradiated nuclear fuel and cladding: An overview. S. Portier, S. Brémier, C.T. Walker (2007). International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 263, Issues 2-3, Pages 113-126. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2007.01.016.
Fission Gas Bubbles Characterisation in Irradiated UO2 Fuel by SEM, EPMA and SIMS. Jérôme Lamontagne, Lionel Desgranges, Christophe Valot, Jean Noirot, Thierry Blay, Ingrid Roure, Bertrand Pasquet (2006), Microchimica Acta, Volume 155, Pages 183-187. DOI 10.1007/s00604-006-0540-y.
Installation of a Shielded SIMS for the Analysis of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels. Stéphane Brémier, Rachid Hasnaoui, Stéphane Portier, Olivier Bildstein, and Clive T. Walker. (2006), Microchimica Acta, Volume 155, Pages 113-120. DOI 10.1007/s00604-006-0527-8.
A shielded SIMS in CEA : a new tool for the low abundant isotopes characterization. L.Desgranges, B.Pasquet (2005), ATALANTE 2004, P2-17.
Characterisation of irradiated nuclear fuel with SIMS. L. Desgranges, Ch.Valot, B.Pasquet (2005), Applied Surface Science, Volume 252, Issue 19, Pages 7048-7050. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.02.256.
Detection of Gas Bubble by SIMS in Irradiated Nuclear Fuel. Jérôme Lamontagne, Jean Noirot, Lionel Desgranges, Thierry Blay, Bertrand Pasquet, Ingrid Roure (2004), Microchimica Acta, Volume 145, Issue 1, Pages 91-94. DOI 10.1007/s00604-003-0135-9.
Measurement of xenon in uranium dioxide (UO2) with SIMS. L. Desgranges, B. Pasquet (2004), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Volume 215, Issues 3-4, Pages 545-551. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2003.08.033.
A new shielded SIMS instrument for analysis of highly radioactive materials. B. Rasser, L, Desgranges, B. Pasquet (2003), Applied Surface Science, Secondary ion mass spectrometry SIMS XIII, Volume 203-204, Pages 673-678. doi:10.1016/S0169-4332(02)00789-4.
One Year of Operation of the Shielded SIMS with Irradiated Materials in the LECA Facility. L.Desgranges, B.Pasquet (2003), Proceedings of the Plenary Meeting 2003, European Working Group " Hot Laboratories and Remote Handling".
Installation of a shielded SIMS in CEA Cadarache. L. Desgranges, B. Pasquet, B. Rasser (2001).