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EIKOS-UV™ 三维原子探针(APT)

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    • 具有纳米级微观结构表征的三维层析成像
    • 高效率的高空间分辨率单原子探测
    • 对所有元素及其同位素的灵敏度一致
    • 定量组分测量(亚纳米至近微米级)
    • 可提供电压或电压和激光配置
    • 标准样品制备方法





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    • Introduction to applications & technology of EIKOS-UV

      星期二, 二月 25, 2020

      Optimized or efficiency and simplicity, EIKOS-UV™ delivers all the benefits of Atom Probe Tomography and addresses a wide range of applications: metals, coatings, thin films, ceramics, minerals, functional materials in both academic and commercial environments. Robert Ulfig (CAMECA) presents the main features and functionalities of CAMECA's latest atom probe tomography instrument.
      Register here to view at any time.
      Duration: 23 minutes
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    • 星期一, 一月 1, 0001

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    • 星期一, 一月 1, 0001

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    International Field Emission Society (IFES)

    The International Field Emission Society is an international scientific society, that aims to promote high field nanoscience and atom probe microscopy. At each IFES Symposium, organised every 2 years, the E.W. Müller Outstanding Young Scientist Award is given to the best orally-presented paper in a competition.

    Materials Physics Group, Rouen University, France
    The GPM is a joint University of Rouen-CNRS and INSA research unit led by Prof Didier Blavette. It is one of the largest groups of the atom probe community. CAMECA collaborates with GPM for the design and development of its atom probes.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Microscopy Group, USA
    The Microscopy Group at ORNL specializes in the development and application of advanced electron microscopy, atom probe tomography, and surface science techniques for the sub-nm scale characterization of the microstructure, chemical nature, and composition of materials. Equipped with a CAMECA LEAP, scientists and engineers at ORNL greatly contribute to the advancement of 3DAP technology and applications.

    Geoscience Atom Probe, Curtin University, Australia
    The development of the Geoscience Atom Probe as part of the Advanced Resource Characterisation Facility, housed in the John de Laeter Centre at Curtin University, provides a unique focus on the development and application of this exciting technique to the Earth Science discipline.

    Northwestern University Center for Atom Probe Tomography (NUCAPT), USA
    The Seidman Research Group at Northwestern University, Illinois, uses a LEAP 4000X Si to study the chemical composition and evolution of precipitates, interfaces, and other nanoscale phenomena. The Seidman Group ranks among the top research teams involved in the investigation of nano-structured materials.

    Marquis Research Group, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
    Part of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering of the University of Michigan, and equipped with a LEAP 4000X-HR, the Marquis Research Group focuses on the experimental exploration of the atomic scale structures to understand materials behavior and develop more efficient materials and structures for energy applications.

    FIM & Atom Probe Group, Department of Materials at Oxford University, UK
    Over more than 40 years of history, the Oxford FIM and Atom Probe Group have been world leaders in the development of the atom probe technique and its application to materials science problems.

    ACMM, University of Sydney, Australia
    The Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis (ACMM) is the University of Sydney’s centralised microscopy facility. Directed by Prof. Simon Ringer, it provides Sydney’s research community with leading instruments and expertise for exploring the structure of samples, from physical to biological and everything in between, at length scales down to the molecular and atomic.

    Deakin University, Electron Microscope Facility, Victoria, Australia
    Housed in the Geelong Technology Precinct at the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, Deakin Electron Microscope Facility supports a wide range of research projects that lead and inspire innovations in materials science and engineering.

    Metallic Nanostructure Group of NIMS, Japan
    Dr. Hono's Atom Probe group is part of the Materials Engineering Laboratory within the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan.

    Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany
    MPI Düsseldorf's Atom Probe Tomography Group, under leadership from Dr. Pyuck-Pa Choi, conducts basic research on the mechanical properties of materials and their relationship to the underlying nano- and microstructures. It was established in 2009 in conjunction with the installation of a LEAP 3000X HR. MPI Dusseldorf is also one of the first owner of a LEAP 5000 latest generation atom probe.

    Microscopy and Microanalysis group, Chalmers University, Sweden
    Research projects conducted by the Microscopy and Microanalysis group aim at developing and improving a fundamental understanding of the fine-scale microstructure of technologically important materials, its manipulation and importance in determining the properties of materials.

    EMEZ - Electron Microscopy, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
    EMEZ is an interdisciplinary facility of ETH Zurich supporting vital research efforts and services for ETH members and visiting researchers as well as industry.

    POSTECH, Korea
    Pohang University of Science and Technology and National Center for Nanomaterial Technology (NCNT), under the leadership of Prof. Chan Gyung Park (pages in Korean).

    Thompson Research Group, University of Alabama, USA
    Professor Thompson’s research group addresses processing-microstructure-property interdependence by investigating phase transformation and phase stability in a variety of material systems at different length scales.

    Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

    Dr. Francisca Mendez-Martin's team within the Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials conducts studies in a wide field of topics: surface engineering, phase transformations, in-situ monitoring of microstructural changes during solidification and heat treatment of metallic materials, development of nanostructured material...

    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
    Inaugurated in September 2009, KAUST has an impressive program to develop one of the world’s leading scientific research institutions. 2 of CAMECA's new generation Atom Probe models will be installed at one of KAUST's core research facility within the Materials Science & Engineering department, under leadership of Prof. Tala‘at Al-Kassab.

    Fraunhofer Center for Nanoelectronic Technologies, Dresden, Germany
    Located within the “Silicon Saxony”, Fraunhofer CNT provides ideal collaboration opportunities for research institutes and material/equipment manufacturers in the field of nanoelectronics. The LEAP 3000X installed at Fraunhofer CNT is dedicated to research in semiconducting materials, as well as hard coating, metallic glasses, and nuclear fusion materials.

    Université Paul Cézanne, Marseille, France
    The Reactivity and Diffusion at Interfaces Team under leadership from Dominique Mangelinck is part of IM2NP, a research institute supporting a wide range of programs including modelling, design, architecture, processes, materials and their physico-chemical properties.

    UCSB's Materials Department, Santa Barbara, California USA
    Widely recognized as one of the top materials research facilities in the world, UCSB' s Materials Department serves as the innovation engine for discoveries in new materials. Under leadership from Professor James S. Speck, it is equipped with a LEAP 3000X.
    Hosted by CAMECA Instruments Inc., the Atom Probe Tomography user's website provides APT users and system owners with a single place to get and share information.
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    LEAP 5000 VCTM
    真空和冷冻转移模块(VCTM)使样品能够在LEAP和辅助工作站之间运输,同时保持UHV和低温条件。该模块使用与UHV兼容的便携式腔室,该腔室完全集成(通过扩展坞)到LEAP 5000.请注意,额外的工作站也必须与VCTM兼容,此选项不包括此项。有关详细信息,请联系CAMECA销售部门。






    Simplex Electropointer(TM),用于生产电抛光LEAP样品。控制PC和蚀刻剂化学品不包括在内。

    手动电解抛光装置旨在为从各种材料生产样品提供最大的灵活性。该项目包括电源,化学处理和制备高质量原子探针样本所需的所有附件。 (不包括光学显微镜和化学试剂。)


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