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IMS 7f-Auto 高通量二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)

IMS 7f-Auto是我们获得成功的IMS xf二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)产品系列的新型号。该仪器旨在提高高精度元素和同位素分析的易用性和生产率,已针对玻璃、金属、陶瓷、硅基,III-V和II-VI族化合物器件、散装物料、薄膜等一系列颇具挑战性的应用进行改良,可充分满足行业对高效器件开发和过程控制的要求。
  • 产品概述 +

    IMS 7f-Auto提供了具有高深度分辨率和高动态范围的深度剖析功能。高透射质谱仪与两种反应性高密度离子源(O2+和Cs+)相结合,从而提供高溅射速率和低检出限。独特的光学设计可实现直接离子显微镜和扫描探针成像。

    IMS 7f-Auto配有重新设计的同轴一次离子枪筒,可以更轻松、更快速地进行一次离子束调谐,并优化一次离子束流稳定性。新的自动化程序大限度地减少了由操作员引起的偏差并提高了易用性。带有自动装载/卸载样品架的电动储存室通过分析链和远程操作确保高通量。

    借助新型电动储存室和样品转移,IMS 7f-Auto能够分析链式或远程模式下的多个样品。测量可以完全无人值守和自动化,具有非常高的通量和可再现性。可实现高可再现性(RSD<0.5%)、非常低的检出限、高通量和高生产率(工具可每天24小时使用,几乎无需操作员干预)。
  • 相关网络研讨会 +

    • SIMS analysis of an oxide thin film with continuous composition gradient

      星期二, 十二月 3, 2024

      Dr. Joseph Scola from the University of Paris-Saclay/UVSQ, introduces a D-SIMS analysis investigating matrix effects in a Ba1-xSrxTiO3 thin film (~250 nm) grown by combinatorial PLD on a LaNiSrO4/SrTiO3 stack. This webinar is ideal for those interested in complex oxides, thin film analysis, and high-resolution materials characterization.
      ↓ The recording will be available soon. Download our one-pager highlighting the key takeaways.
      Click here to view
    • Enhanced Characterization of Very Deep Proton Implants with Dynamic SIMS

      星期五, 五月 31, 2024

      Explore the superior capabilities of Dynamic SIMS for analyzing low-dose deep proton implants in industrially relevant silicon with Orazio Samperi, University of Catania/STMicroelectronics Key take aways include: The importance of proton implantation, the pivotal role of Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for analyzing low-dose deep proton implants in silicon, ensuring quality and performance of semiconductor devices and a new protocol enabling reliable depth profiling of H implants with concentrations in the order of 1E16cm-3, exceeding depths of 20 μm! .
      Duration: 60 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Advancing High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells through Inkjet Printing of Polysilicon Passivating Contacts: Insights from SIMS Analysis - Webinar

      星期四, 一月 4, 2024

      Australian National University scientists Dr. Sieu Pheng Phang and Ms Jiali Wang report on the use of Dynamic SIMS to characterize inkjet-printed passivating contacts for improved silicon solar cells.
      Duration: 38 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Optimization of carbon detection limit in Silicon using the raster change method

      星期三, 五月 10, 2023

      Seoyoun (Joan) Choi, CAMECA expert application engineer for SIMS, presents applications of the “raster change” dynamic SIMS method for measuring the carbon concentration in silicon samples.
      Duration: 14 minutes
      Click here to view
    • Lithium Diffusion In Li-Ion Battery Materials Revealed By SIMS

      星期二, 十一月 15, 2022

      Learn from Dr Naoaki Kuwata, NIMS, Japan, how Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry can be used to accurately measure lithium diffusion coefficients in Li-based thin films, supporting Li-ion battery material optimization..
      Duration: 18 minutes
      Click here to view
  • 看看IMS 7f-Auto能够做什么 +

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  • 科学出版物 +

    使用IMS xf(IMS 3f、4f、5f、6f、7f、IMS 7f-Auto、IMS 7f-GEO)汇编科研文章的Excel电子表格。这些文章按以下主要应用领域进行分类,并且可以使用Excel字词搜索功能 轻松搜索:
    • Materials
    • Geosciences
    • Nuclears

  • 指向全球IMS用户的链接 +

    Several hundred CAMECA IMS 6f, 7f, 7f-Auto and 7f-GEO are installed worldwide, the list below is only a very short extract from our customer list!

    Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at University of California Santa Barbara, USA
    Widely recognized as one of the top five materials research facilities in the world, the MRL serves as the innovation engine for discoveries in new materials.

    Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory, Virginia Tech, USA

    Operated by the University's Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS), the Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory serves the needs of researchers from VirginiaTech and from the surrounding industrial community, facilitating research in nanoscale engineering and the environment, fuel cells, paleobiology... The NCFL was one the first lab in the world to be equipped with a CAMECA IMS 7f-GEO.

    Washington University in Saint-Louis (WUSTL), USA
    WUSTL’s Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Group has been equipped with an IMS 7f-GEO since 2013. Research focuses on micro-scale variations in the C and S isotopic composition of biological and sedimentary materials, biogeochemical interactions between microbes and their environment.

    CalTech Center for Microanalysis, USA

    The Center for Microanalysis at Caltech houses a IMS 7f-GEO and a NanoSIMS 50L, providing expertise for microanalysis of geological, meteoritic and synthetic materials. Research projects carried out at CCM are most varied, ranging from cosmochemistry to experimental studies on climate change, geochronology, in-situ studies of microbial communities, materials science engineering...

    University of Manitoba, Manitoba Regional Materials and Surface Characterization Facility, Canada
    Equipped with a CAMECA IMS 7f and several other instruments for materials characterization, the Manitoba Regional Materials and Surface Characterization Facility provides a unique resource to regional government and industrial researchers and enables world-class research into the chemical, structural and morphological nature of surfaces and bulk materials.

    Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany
    The CAMECA IMS series instrument in Rossendorf is coupled to an accelerator mass spectrometer at the core of the "Super-SIMS" initiative of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology.

    Ioffe Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
    The Ioffe Institute is one of Russia's largest institutions for research in physics and materials. Under leadership from Boris Ber, the Surface Analysis Group applies various IMS microprobes to investigations of coatings, thin films and various semiconductor structures.

    University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
    The School of Geoscience at University of Edinburgh is one of the largest and most successful groupings of geographers, Earth and environmental scientists in the UK. It is equipped with various CAMECA ion microprobes including an IMS 7f-GEO.

    GEMAC Univ. Versailles, France
    The GEMAC laboratory is equipped with an IMS 7f model used to investigate and develop materials, nanostructures and prototypes of elementary devices for electronics and optoelectronics.

    CIM PACA, Arcsis, France

    Located in the South East of France, a basin for semiconductor production, CIM PACA is the flagship characterization platform of ARCSIS, a consortium that unites world-ranking semiconductor groups including Philips, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments etc... as well as several dozens of small and mid-size companies, engineering schools, research laboratories and universities of the region. CIM-PACA is dedicated to the design, test and validation of new semiconductor technologies.

    CC-MEM, Institut Jean Lamour / Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France

    The Centre de Compétences en Microscopie Electronique et Microsondes (CC-MEM) is a collaborative research facility hosted by the Ecole des Mines de Nancy. The IMS 7f delivered in 2009 at CC-MEM contributes to cutting-edge research in material sciences, metallurgy, nanosciences.

    Cinvestav, Seccion de electronica del estado solido, Mexico
    Created in 1961, Cinvestav (Advanced Studies Center of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico) is a leader institution in research and postgraduate education in Mexico and the world

  • 软件 +

    • SmartPRO

      适用于 CAMECA IMS 7f-Auto、IMS Wf 和 SC 超二次离子质谱仪的全新 SmartPRO 软件包将 Chain Analysis 和 WinCurve 结合在一个无缝集成的环境中,并添加了实时数据处理和自动化功能,从而提高了易用性、生产率和数据质量。


    • WinCurve dataprocessing sofware

      WinCurve专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在用户友好的环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


    • WinImage Software
      WinImage II

      WinImage II专为CAMECA SIMS仪器而开发,可在PC-Windows™环境中提供强大的数据处理和可视化功能。


    • APM Software



  • 升级包 +

    特定于IMS 6f用户:使用我们的IMS 6f大修计划延长仪器的使用寿命:
    IMS 6f离子微探针是坚固耐用的,但其旧电子元件已经过时的仪器。为了最大限度地降低长时间非计划停机的风险,CAMECA提供IMS 6f大修计划,通过全新的电子系统,泵送和真空,新硬件,全自动化,用户友好的采集和处理软件等,完全恢复仪器的活力......
    下载 IMS 6f-E7升级  传单,了解此升级的所有细节及其在性能,生产率,易用性,当然还有正常运行时间和可持续性方面的优势。

    要查看适用于 IMS 6f-E7 和 7f 的升级选项,请单击以下任一组件:


    PC-Automation (7f配备SUN工作站)
    PC自动化系统取代SUN系统,可实现全自动化无人值守操作,大大提高了性能和吞吐量。有关详细信息,请下载IMS 6f PC-Automation升级传单。

    后处理站 (6f-E7/ 7f)

    桌面控制复制 (7f with PC-Automation / 6f-E7)

    APM软件许可证 (PC-Automation / 6f-E7 / 7f与PC-Automation)
    自动粒子测量软件程序,用于快速筛选大量粒子和检测特定元素或同位素。 更多信息

    WinCurve软件许可证(离线) (7f / 6f-E7)
    提供强大的SIMS数据处理功能。图形功能。 更多信息

    WinImage II软件许可证(离线) (7f / 6f-E7)



    Cs离子源隔离 (7f with PC-自动化)

    Duo Accel/Decel (7f with PC-Automation)


    A 气闸

    存储室升级 (7f with PC-Automation / 6f-E7)



    Z-Motion (7f with PC-Automation / 6f-E7)

    Turbospectro升级 (7f with PC-Automation / 6f-E7)

    数码摄像机 (7f with PC-Automation / 6f-E7)



    EM Detector Post-accelaration (7f with PC - 自动化)


    Pfeiffer Turbopump 7f
    Peiiffer Turbopump 6fe7